
What document types are indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection?

Please see the following link for a description of all current document types and descriptions presented in the Web of Science


Which items are typically excluded from indexing?

The following journal items typically are excluded from indexing:

  • Issue highlights, section descriptions, and editorial statements
  • Author indexes, subject indexes, and annual indexes
  • Members of an editorial board and/or changes in board membership or journal editorship
  • Acknowledgements, announcements and subscriptions
  • News blurbs, fillers, trade news, society news, journal reviews
  • Call for papers
  • Thesis abstracts

Law decisions The following journal items might be included in Web of Science:

  • Editor’s notes (depending on the content)
  • Book reviews (processed for journals included in ESCI, AHCI and SSCI). SCIE started indexing book reviews in 2021.
  • Art exhibits; scripts; poetry; reviews of film, music, recordings, theatre, TV, radio, video, dance, and fiction (processed only in journals included in ESCI and AHCI)


Why should I use the Multiple Request Template?

Using the multiple request template is an efficient way to submit multiple corrections. It saves time by allowing the customer to submit multiple requests instead of creating a correction for each individual item. Examples: Missing Articles, Address or Citation corrections can be sent via a single case with multiple requests (if <100 requests) by using the attached excel that is given with the correction form.

General-Hosted Database

Can a correction be made to hosted products such as Medline?

Clarivate has agreements with other publishers to provide access to their data within the Web of Knowledge®. We are not able to make data changes or corrections to these leased databases. Please see the following link for corrections to our hosted products


Can a country name be changed to a different version of the country? (Ex: United States instead of USA)

Countries names must be on our standardized country list. This allows us to search records by the standardized country name throughout our products.


Can addresses be linked to authors for all published papers?

Author/address linking began in 2008. Please see the following link regarding author/address linking



Biosis Previews only index 1 corresponding address. Please see the following link regarding Biosis addresses

Article Record (Title, Abstract, Keyword, DOI, Pg ,Art No.)-(

Can a correction be made to Biosis Citation Index prior to 2005?

We acquired the BIOSIS databases in 2005. So we are unable to process any data correction request for the articles prior to 2005. 

Article Record (Title, Abstract, Keyword, DOI, Pg ,Art No.)-(

Can an update to the title of a correction and retraction item be made?

The source record  information in parenthesis at the end of the title is our standard practice for processing erratum/correction articles and cannot be removed.

Article Record (Title, Abstract, Keyword, DOI, Pg ,Art No.)-(

Can Keyword Plus be deleted in the Web of Science?

Keywords Plus® are index terms automatically generated from the titles of cited articles and cannot be deleted. Please see the following link for additional information

Article Record (Title, Abstract, Keyword, DOI, Pg ,Art No.)-(

Do special characters (such as Greek symbols) display in Web of Science?

Special characters currently do not display in product and are usually converted to the spelled out version. (ex: beta)

Article Record (Title, Abstract, Keyword, DOI, Pg ,Art No,Delete)

Why does the title of a book review differ from the original title in journal?

Our book review policy is as follows: The title of the actual book that is being reviewed is listed as the title. This policy allows users to search for reviews on specific books. The author reviewing the book is processed as the author.

Article Record (Title, Abstract, Keyword, DOI, Pg ,Art No,Delete)

Can I raise a request to delete "de-duplicate articles" for Data Citation index (DCI) Product?

WOS contains journal items and DRCI is about data resources. They may have the same title but are not the same item (even though they have the same abstract). They cannot be removed.

Article Record (Title, Abstract, Keyword, DOI, Pg ,Art No,Delete)

Can I raise request to delete a correction article from the Web of Science product?

As per our editorial policy we are indexing the Original articles and corrections articles as per the publisher website. We can not remove the correction article.

Author Name

Can a missing Full Source Author Name be inserted for articles prior to 2006?

Please see the following link regarding Full Source Authors

Author name/Email/Correspondence

Can a reprint author/reprint address be added to meeting abstracts?

Reprint addresses and authors are not processed for meeting abstracts. We process the authors and all of the addresses as research addresses.

Author name/Email/Correspondence

Can multiple reprint authors be added prior to 2016?

Multiple reprint authors/reprint addresses capture began in 2016 and cannot be added for prior years. Please see the following link regarding multiple reprint authors

Author name/Email/Correspondence

Do umlaut symbols appear in author names?

Umlauts currently do not display. Please see the following link regarding umlaut characters

Author name/Email/Correspondence

How are author names with particles processed?

Please see the following link for information regarding particles

Cited Reference

Can corrections to aggregate ARXIV/Preprint references to the published source record be made?

We do not to aggregate cited references of the preprint and final published versions of a manuscript. Our policy is to consider these documents distinct since they are published by difference sources (i.e., a journal vs a preprint server) and their content can in some cases differ significantly. We continue to monitor both emerging technology and the views of the academic community in this regard.

Cited reference

Can you add missing references?

Missing references can be added if the references are presented in the reference list of PDF/Publisher Site/Supplementary materials.

Cited reference

Can you include missing references that are listed under "Further reading"?

References from "Further Reading" section (“which are not explicitly cited in the paper”) will not be processed.

Document Types

What document types are included in JCR?

The following citable items are included in JCR: reviews, articles, proceedings. Please see the following link for additional information

Missing Article(s) (Published & Early Access,)

Can I request Early Access/E-first/Ahead-of-Print articles for older years?

Early Access/E-first/Ahead-of-Print for articles prior to the onboarding active date of the publisher will not be processed. We will index the article once it becomes available to us with an assigned volume and issue number.

Missing Article(s) (Published & Early Access)

Can I request to add Early Access/E-first/Ahead-of-Print articles?

If the publisher has not yet been onboarded we are unable to add the e-first article. Web of Science is working with publishers to expand this content. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please see the following regarding early access

Missing Article(s) (Published & Early Access)

When can I expect an E-First/Online first article to display in the Web of Science?

If the publisher has not yet been onboarded, Early Access/E-First/Online first articles will only be available in the Web of Science after they have been assigned to a Volume & Issue number on the Publisher Website.

Missing Issue(s) (Books, journals)-/Missing Article(s) (Journals, Books & Early Access)

Can a dropped journal be reactivated to add additional articles and issues?

Once a journal is dropped from coverage no further issues/articles/missing articles will be processed. Our Publisher Relations team conveys this information to each publisher when a drop occurs and it is the responsibility of the publisher to make this known to the authors.

Missing Issue(s) (Books, journals)

Can missing content for Books from current year or previous five years be added?

Missing content for Books five years prior and up to the current year: All Books must go through our Editorial Book Evaluation/Selection process before it can be considered for Indexing in our Book Citation Index product. See publisher relations. If you have any questions regarding these procedures please contact us at:

Missing Issue(s) (Books, journals)

Can missing content for Books greater than five years from the current year be added?

Books selected must bear a copyright from the current year or previous five years in order to be considered for selection. Please see attached for additional information

Missing Issue(s) (Books, journals)

How can I get my book included in WoS?

We accept book submissions directly from publishers, with whom we must execute a formal agreement. Authors interested in submitting their books may direct their publishers to write us at

Missing Issue(s) (Books, journals)

Why is my journal covered in ZR but not WoS?

This journal was selected for Zoological Record only.

Missing Issue(s) (Books, journals)

Do all meeting abstracts get indexed in the Web of Science?

We process meeting abstracts from journals only in certain circumstances. If the journal falls into any of these three conditions, individual meeting abstracts are processed.

  • The journal is covered in the Web of Science Social Science Citation Index®
  • The journal is also covered in BIOSIS and meets the BIOSIS meeting abstracts processing policy, or is also covered in Derwent Drug File
  • The journal is on a pre-approved Web of Science exception list

If the journal does not fall into any of the above conditions, the meeting abstract section is processed as a single “article” record with “Abstract” added to the title.

DOI handing for meeting abstracts

If a single DOI is provided for either a meeting abstract section or the individual meeting abstracts, it is included. However, if a single DOI is provided for a meeting abstract section and the meeting abstracts are indexed individually, it will be included with the Current Contents Meeting record and not the individual meeting abstracts since the DOIs should be unique.

Missing Issue(s) (Books, journals)

Can missing content for Conference Proceedings from current year or previous five years be added?

All proceedings issues must first go through our Editorial Evaluation/Selection process before it can be considered for indexing in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Please send details of the Conference to be considered to the following email address:

Times Cited

Can the times cited count for original articles and Correction article be merged?

References are processed as per the full text and cannot be changed from citing the correction article to citing the original article.

Times Cited

How long does it take to resolve a data change request?

We are continuously working to improve our resolution times by investing in people, processes and technology to ensure a world-class customer experience.

  • Most of our author record requests are resolved within 72 business hours.
  • Most of our missing content requests are resolved in 60 days or less.
  • In most cases, all other data corrections are resolved in two weeks.

Please note that the above timelines might be longer if the number of corrections is greater than 100.